
Write to your MP, asking them to Step up for Reuse

Write to your MP, asking them to attend our Parlimentary Reception, and step up for reuse.

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Compose your email

Use our email template below to write your message. We recommend that you personalise this by making it relevant to your local area and adding in your local candidates name. When you’re ready, press send.

Email Template

I am writing as your constituent to ask you to attend an event in Parliament on tackling the plastic pollution crisis and supporting a reusable packaging revolution across the UK. Across the country, 1.7 billion pieces of plastic are thrown away by households every week, and without urgent action, this number will continue to grow.

Over the last five years, environmental charity City to Sea has campaigned to tackle single-use plastic pollution, preventing over 60 million single-use plastic water bottles from use and making refillable options more accessible via their award-winning Refill campaign and app. In 2022, their campaigning helped secure a ban on some of the most polluting single-use items such as plastic cutlery.

Recent research from City to Sea showed that 80 percent of Brits are taking action to reduce their use of single-use plastic and are willing to do more, but they can’t find alternatives where they shop.

Introducing more products in refillable and reusable packaging would make them more accessible for people to buy, which would radically reduce the amount of single-use plastic on the market.

In partnership with retailers, innovators and local government, the charity has implemented reusable initiatives across the country, including returnable cup scheme pilots in Cardiff, Bath and Bristol and a returnable packaging partnership with Reposit, M&S and Ecover supported by UK Research & Innovation’s (UKRI) Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Fund.

Please show your support for tackling plastic pollution by attending City to Sea’s parliamentary reception (kindly hosted by Alistair Carmichael MP) on 23rd October 2024 at 6:30 pm in Terrace Dining Room A. This event will highlight how the UK can lead the shift away from single-use plastics to new reuse systems that benefit businesses, consumers, and the planet.  

Can you let me know if you’re able to put this in your diary and go along? There will be an opportunity to take pictures with campaigners and a press release available to share in your constituency.  

We are all counting on you. A future free from single-use plastic is possible. But we need to act now.

Thank you so much for your help. 

Yours sincerely,


At City to Sea our vision is a world where everyone connects their actions to our oceans, so all life can thrive. Oceans and waterways around the world urgently need our help and we’re hugely grateful to our supporters for donating to City to Sea. Our donations go directly to our campaigns, powering on-the-ground community action, lobbying governments and creating powerful, playful content designed to inspire change.  

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