Training is delivered via a two hour online workshop – up to 20 teachers / nurses per training session (1 teacher / nurse per school).
Each school that completes the training receives digital resources including lesson plans and all supporting resources.
Teaching resources are available in English and Welsh.
Follow up support and peer-to-peer advice is available through our private Facebook group.
Attendees complete brief surveys to provide qualitative feedback.
Each school that completes the training receives a period product demonstration box with the full range of eco-friendly products, worth ~£200.
The training covers:
The full range of period products (including eco-friendly, health-friendly products), with a demonstration of these and advice on how to introduce these to young people.
A wide range of period experiences and how different people might care for themselves.
Periods and the environment.
Health and ingredients of products.
Period equality.
Myths, taboos and celebrations.
Period positive language and culture.
The Free Period Product scheme for schools.
An overview of our resources.
Where to find further help and support (including our private Facebook group for trainees).