How does it work?

  • Training is delivered via a two hour online workshop – up to 20 teachers / nurses per training session  (1 teacher / nurse per school).
  • Each school that completes the training receives digital resources including lesson plans and all supporting resources.
  • Teaching resources are available in English and Welsh.
  • Follow up support and peer-to-peer advice is available through our private Facebook group.
  • Attendees complete brief surveys to provide qualitative feedback.
  • Each school that completes the training receives a period product demonstration box with the full range of eco-friendly products, worth ~£200.

The training covers: 

  • The full range of period products (including eco-friendly, health-friendly products), with a demonstration of these and advice on how to introduce these to young people.​
  • A wide range of period experiences and how different people might care for themselves.​
  • Periods and the environment.​
  • Health and ingredients of products.​
  • Period equality.​
  • Myths, taboos and celebrations.​
  • Period positive language and culture.​
  • The Free Period Product scheme for schools.​
  • An overview of our resources.​
  • Where to find further help and support (including our private Facebook group for trainees).​
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