Plastic-free periods

Better for your body, better for the planet

Our Campaign

City to Sea have been running the Plastic Free Periods campaign since 2017, back when people were shocked to see us talking about periods in our viral video! Our campaign has been focused on:


  • Raising awareness about the hidden plastic in period products. 
  • Letting people know that flushing period products creates plastic pollution, and changing this behaviour. 
  • Promoting reusable and plastic-free period care
  • Empowering people to make informed choices about the products they use and how they dispose of them.
  • Increasing accessibility of reusable & plastic-free period products.
  • Encouraging brands, manufacturers and retailers to remove plastic in their own brand products.

The Environment

Learn more about how period products end up as pollution, the impact of period plastic and how we’ve worked with surfers, paddle boarders and other ocean lovers to tackle the problem.

Hands holding plastic-free period products

Social Context

Period plastic does not exist in isolation, it’s part of a complex culture and requires intersectional solutions. Learn more about how gender, disability, economics and more impact this field and our campaigning.

plastic-free period pads

Health impacts

Independent reports have found that many period products contain toxic chemicals like pesticide residues, fragrances and plasticizers.  Find out more about what these are and how they may impact human health.



Rethink Periods is a free, nationwide educational programme changing the way primary and secondary schools teach young people about periods. It trains teachers and school nurses to deliver unbiased lessons on periods and their environmental and social context.

Hands holding plastic-free period products

Make the Switch

Switch to eco-friendly, health-friendly Period care. Whether you’re looking to make a simple switch to plastic-free tampons and pads or want to give period pants, reusable pads or the menstrual cup a go, we’ve got you covered on your journey to Plastic Free Periods. 

plastic-free period pads

Our Resources

Visit our Plastic Free Periods resources centre to find our Period Product Guide, Product Guide for Additional Needs, Ingredients Guide, Retailer Guide, posters and more! Download our range of Plastic-free period resources.

plastic-free period pads

Spread the Word

Download our ‘Digital Toolkit’ – a magical Dropbox folder containing everything you need to help spread the #PlasticFreePeriods love on social media and in real life.


8 Million

Pieces of plastic prevented from entering our oceans


Students reached across England through our award-winning Rethink Periods education programme.

6 Million

Views on our campaign videos, including our award winning Turning Tides film.


People signed our petition calling on the Department of Education to offer free plastic-free products in schools resulting in reusables and plastic-free options now being offered!

15 Million

People reached with our #PlasticFreePeriods hashtag globally.


New plastic-free products introduced across 9 major high-street retailers since we started campaigning.


Luckily, a lot has changed since we started talking about this topic. We’ve now had over 100 pieces of media coverage, across a wide range of publications. Check some of them out by clicking on the logos below.


Planet-Friendly Periods with Natracare

Planet-Friendly Periods with Natracare

Planet-friendly periods with NatracareLet’s #BeKind to our bodies and the planet A bloody good period for everyone. Here at City to Sea, we’re committed to ensuring everyone has a bloody good period. Since 2017, through our Plastic-Free Periods campaign, we’ve been...

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Environmenstrual week is back!

Environmenstrual week is back!

ENVIRONMENSTRUAL WEEK IS BACK! From 16th-20th October, championing eco-friendly, healthy period products!   BLOODY BRILLIANT WORK The Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), the fab team behind Environmenstrual Week, has long championed eco-friendly period products – and...

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This Could Turn Toxic

This Could Turn Toxic

Watch our bloody awesome panel event with Natracare on the potential impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on our health and the planet.

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Supporting the Sustainable development goals

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