Who we are
And the good stuff we get up to
About City to Sea

We’re an environmental organisation, campaigning to stop plastic pollution at source. We work with communities, businesses, and everyday activists around the world to provide practical solutions to the plastic problem. We like to keep it simple and have fun on the way.
The problem might be complicated, but we don’t believe the solutions need to be.
We were founded in Bristol in 2015, by environmental campaigner Natalie Fee. Get the low down on all things City to Sea and find out how the plight of the albatross started the powerful movement we’re all proud to be part of today.
OUR Mission and Vision

Our mission is to prevent plastic pollution at source. Our vision is a world where everyone connects their actions to our oceans, so all life can thrive.
What we do

Tackle the single-use plastic items most commonly found on our beaches and in our rivers and oceans.

Run people-powered, community serving campaigns to reduce single-use plastics in the UK and internationally.

Inspire people to change their behaviour by developing simple solutions to complicated problems.

Empower everyday activists to challenge the system, to create a more sustainable future for all.

Engage and influence brands, retailers and businesses, to reduce their use of plastics and make reusables more accessible.

Encourage everyone to rethink, refuse, reduce and reuse.
What we do

Tackle the single-use plastic items most commonly found on our beaches and in our rivers and oceans.

Run people-powered, community serving campaigns to reduce single-use plastics in the UK and internationally.

Inspire people to change their behaviour by developing simple solutions to complicated problems.

Empower everyday activists to challenge the system, to create a more sustainable future for all.

Engage and influence brands, retailers and businesses, to reduce their use of plastics and make reusables more accessible.

Encourage everyone to rethink, refuse, reduce and reuse.

We Do It


We Do It

WE Colaborate


WE innovate


Our Values

We’re a critical friend and trusted peer. In a world of fake-news and greenwashing, we take our time to find out the facts and evaluate our impact.

We praise progress and listen to all perspectives, whilst remaining authentic. We believe a tickle is better than a punch and keep our messaging upbeat and playful.

We keep our messaging simple when facing complex issues. We improvise, imagine and inspire, embracing diversity and seeking inclusion.

We don’t just appreciate nature, we love it. Nature is our best buddy, our trusted advisor and our most important board member

We take risks with our content and embrace our mistakes. We dream big and make magic happen.
A rising emergen-sea
We've launched our climate and ecological emergency declaration and also shared our new clarity of purpose. We’re telling the world that if you care about plastics, you need to care about climate change.