Switch to reusables
The simple way to reduce plastic pollution
Want to reduce plastic pollution? Switching to reusables is a great way to start. Single-use plastic items – the kind we use every day without even thinking about it – make up around HALF of all the pollution found on our beaches and rivers. The worst offenders are plastic bottles, food-wrappers, wipes, cotton buds and menstrual products – many of which have reusable alternatives aren’t just better for the environment, they’ll also save you money!
By choosing to reuse, you’ll be helping to protect our oceans, saving money, supporting local businesses and reducing clutter all at the same time. So where to start, we hear you say…. Read on for our top tips for switching from single-use to reusables.

A shocking 7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used every year in the UK! By carrying a reusable bottle instead, you’ll be part of a growing community of people committed to reducing that total. Our international campaign, Refill, helps get you started by pinpointing Refill Stations where you can top up your water bottle for free. Just download the app to find your nearest station and join the #RefillRevolution

We use a mind-blowing 3 billion disposable coffee cups every year in the UK in order to get our morning caffeine fix. Despite what most people think, these aren’t recyclable and end up in landfill causing mountains of pointless waste! Investing in a reusable coffee-cup is a super easy way to cup back without turning into a coffee zombie.
Using the Refill app, you can find places to Refill your coffee cup on the go or even borrow one if you happen to forget!

Meal deals are so last year. With plastic pollution caused by food wrappers and containers on the rise and more foods businesses than ever offering lunch to go in reusable containers, now is the time to invest in a top quality lunch box. Pack your own or take it to your local café and ask to fill up rather than using a disposable container which is likely to end up in landfill, or worse in our natural environment.
Find places to get your food on the go, without the single use plastic, on the Refill App.

Moving to a plastic-free period can seem quite a radical change, especially if you’ve used tampons and throwaway pads your whole adult life. But switching to a menstrual cup or reusable pads is actually a lot easier than you think – many women swear by reusables and never want to go back. Find out what it’s like to switch by watching this video, checking out our in-depth FAQs (with some cheeky discount codes) or buying plastic-free alternatives like a menstrual cup, reusable pads or washable pants.

5. REUSABLE Nappies
8 MILLION disposable nappies are thrown into landfill every single day, in the UK alone. Costing an average of £400 a year! By swapping just one disposable nappy for a reusable every day, over the course of your babies nappy period, you could save a staggering 730 nappies from landfill – and that’s if you only use them for one baby!

Most wet wipes contain plastic and should never be flushed down the loo! We now use a mind-bending 11 billion of them a year and unsurprisingly, plastic pollution and littering from flushed wipes is on the rise – the Marine Conservation Society recorded over 14 wet wipes were found per 100 metres of coastline, a whopping rise of 700% over the last decade!
Switching to reusable wipes – for your make up, your kitchen or your baby, is an easy way to save money and prevent plastic pollution. If you absolutely must use a wipe, be a good a**hole and put it in the bin! Find out more about our wet wipes campaigns here.

We throw away MILLIONS of those pesky plastic razors every year in the UK. They’re cheap, true but they don’t last long at all and can’t be recycled! Using a stainless steel razor is a great alternative to most disposable brands. You can recycle the blades and the razor will last a lifetime! It just makes sense!

Not strictly reusable but a great place to start on cutting back on pointless plastic. If you replace your soap, shampoo and conditioner with soap bars, you’ve taken 3 throwaway bottles out of the equation straight away. Simple!
Or check out your local zero-waste shop and fill up your bottles with your favourite products. You’ll soon be able to use the Refill app to find your local one.

It’s becoming easier to avoid throwaway plastic cutlery but ‘compostable’ alternatives are on the rise. While these may seem like good solutions, in fact they need very specific conditions to break down and most won’t break down in an average garden composter. Not so great after all. Keeping some reusable cutlery at the bottom of your bag will mean you’re always ready to eat on the go.

It’s time to ditch the cling film – beeswax wrap is a vastly superior substitute. Even better, if you’re crafty you can make your own. It’ll keep your food fresh and is easy to clean with cold soapy water.